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Customization. Flexible. Scalable.

Triohm Concierge Communication Services is physician-centric offering patients extended access to care and elevated engagement through 24/7 accessibility.

Our communication center aids providers with:

  • Decrease no-shows through appointment reminders
  • Proficient answering services to streamline communications after-hours and call management during the day
  • Through phone, email, and text messages encourage preventive exams and screenings, share health tips, communicate specific health initiatives, and engage patients and their families in their ongoing health

Extend your practice communications with Triohm Concierge answering your phone after-hours, during vacation or on holidays as if you’re in-house staff would.

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Automated appointment reminders will decrease no-shows and increase office revenue, improve patient retention, and engage patients without burdening the office staff. Reminders can be sent by phone, email, or text.

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Increase patient access, improve patient service and retention with 24/7 scheduling.

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A busy office means more revenue, so while your staff is busy with patients we attend to your calls. Answering all calls with a live voice and assisting the patient with scheduling or prescription refills.

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Either with live voice or automated solutions, our outreach programs can encourage preventive exams and screenings, improve management of disease and compliance with patient care plans while improving patient quality outcomes.

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Reduce call abandonment rates, busy signal complaints, and have a consistent message delivery.

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